Ok guys, it's me again with another cool one... The Missile Launcher. It's really simple to make, all you need is: 1 empty can (gasoline can preferable) some gasoline a paper bag aluminum foil Now, just cut a piece out of the paper bag about the size of your can. Roll it up cigar-style and tape the very ends to keep it in the same shape. Now, take you're missile, and stick about 3/4ths of it in a pool of gasoline, and let it soak up a little while. Now, on the upper limit of where the gas hit (the gas-line I suppose you could call it) rip a small piece almost completely off, and bend it out. That is your fuse. Ok, now put aluminum foil on the top. The amount of foil that you put on determines the range of the missile. The more the shorter...Makes it easier to aim.. Now you're ready. Put the missile in the hole in the gas can, so that the fuse is light-able, and light it. Stand back, it makes a bit of noise... For sum real phun, put a bit of impact explosive in the nose... *how that one works i have no idea..mine just burnt up... This is really easy. Just get a few bottles of rubber cement and pour a line of it up to a wall and up the wall. Then, light it and watch! Great phun. <<-----Lame!